Chris is in the news again reminding seniors and their families that a life insurance policy can be converted to pay for assisted living, home care, and other forms of long-term care. Life insurance policies are assets like your home and the value of the policy is based on the death benefit (face value), not the cash value. Learn more and don’t go broke if you have a loved one who needs long-term care. Use life insurance to fund long-term care. I encourage you to…
Senior Care Blog
Trump’s 100-Day Scorecard: Healthcare Hunger Games Continue

Timed to Mr Trump’s 100-days in office, read Chris Orestis’ latest Healthcare Hunger Games post about the Affordable Act repeal and replace drama. A modern-day soap opera with the White House, the Republican House leadership, the very conservative Freedom Caucus and the Tuesday Group representing the moderate bloc of House Republicans on one side of the Hunger Games and Democrats, social justice, and patient and family special interest groups on other side. Stay tuned, more is come, both from Washington DC and Chris too. We’ll…
ACA, Obamacare, TrumpcareTips for Dealing with Chronic Pain

If you deal with chronic pain, you know that it’s not just a physical burden – the suffering can be mental as well. For this reason, managing your chronic pain is something you must do with both your body and mind. An effective strategy for managing chronic pain combines both physical and mental tasks. Your doctor can best offer you advice for dealing with your pain, but there are a few basic strategies just about anyone can use to deal with painful symptoms. Keep…
Predicting Winners and Losers in the Healthcare Hunger Games – Part 3

After seven years of plotting the destruction of the Affordable Care Act – ACA (ObamaCare), the Republican controlled Congress has introduced the American Health Care Act- AHCA (TrumpCare) to fulfill their campaign season promises of “repeal and replace”. While the Republicans in the House pulled the bill before it could be voted on, this fight is not over. With the stage set and bets hedged, learn from my years of experience as a Washington insider, about health and wealth – and the winners in Newmax…
Health Savings Accounts Will Be Key Part Of ObamaCare Replacement
“The HSA is a band-aid. It’s not a solution,” said Chris Orestis, chief executive of Life Care Funding, a company that helps families pay for long-term care services, and the author of “A Survival Guide to Aging.” “The dollars aren’t very big. For the sick, they’ll blow through that in no time. The only people that this will help are the relatively wealthy who can afford to put away money.” Read the rest of the article here. Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+
Be Your Own Healthcare Advocate
Be Your Own Healthcare Advocate Patients place a lot of faith in their healthcare professionals. We trust them to make accurate diagnoses, to prescribe helpful treatments, and to treat us with care. But the fact is, even the very best doctors make mistakes that can cause serious harm to their patients. Patients can play their own role in advocating for their safety. After all, each individual knows himself or herself best. This week is National Patient Safety Awareness Week – and a perfect opportunity for…
Diabetes Risk Factors in Older Adults
Seniors: Know the risks of diabetes One of the many unfortunate realities of aging is that your risk for disease increases. Type 2, or adult-onset, diabetes is one of the diseases you’re more likely to get as you get older. Although the reasons are unknown, researchers have found that the longer you live, the more likely you are to develop type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, no matter your age, you can take action to identify whether you are at increased risk for the disease – and…
Advisers embrace elimination of Obamacare taxes, question GOP replacement plan
“Those who benefit under the GOP plan are different from those who benefit under Obamacare, according to Chris Orestis, chief executive of Life Care Funding, a firm that helps seniors finance long-term-care services.” Read the full article here: Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+
Want to win the Healthcare Hunger Games? 5 Tricks to Survive TrumpCare – Part 2

“Let the games begin and may the odds be ever in your favor!”……….. Before the combatants enter the arena to fight to their last; the President of the dystopian world of the Hunger Games would wish them all this final sentiment. As the tenuous situation about the future of the Affordable Care Act (the ACA is the same thing as Obama Care) plays out, I wish for us all that the odds are in our favor because we will need it. Neither the Trump Administration nor the…
Warning Signs of Vision Problems – AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month

Vision Problems in Older Adults: Signs to Watch For As we get older, our risk for developing age-related vision problems increases. You may already have noticed some changes to your vision. Once we hit our 40s, we tend to have more problems seeing small print or distinguishing between different colors. Even people who have always had good vision may find that they need reading glasses to peruse the newspaper. Signs of Vision Problems All of these changes are normal and not necessarily cause for…
Cancer Awareness Post – World Cancer Day

Beat cancer by catching it early Every year, more than 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer. Nearly 40 percent of us will receive a cancer diagnosis during our lifetime. Although some form of cancer is likely to affect you or a loved one, you can take steps now to catch signs of the disease and increase your chances of living a long, healthy life. Early Detection Detecting cancer early is key to outliving the disease. These days, doctors can offer myriad treatments for many…
10 Simple New Year’s Health Resolutions for Seniors
It’s a new year, which means you may be thinking about a New Year’s resolution. But if you are like most Americans, you know that resolutions often fall through. In fact, just 8 percent of us follow through on the goals we set on January 1! One reason for this is that we set lofty goals that are too difficult (like losing 50 pounds) or too abstract (like being “healthier”). Instead of making goals you are unlikely to achieve, consider smaller, more tangible goals that…
Budgeting For Seniors And Senior Care In The New Year
Like every puzzle, budgeting for senior living and long-term care can be an intimidating undertaking, marked by jagged and odd-shaped pieces. But, just like the puzzles we do at home, budgeting gets easier when we address it at the start of the New Year with a track records to our backs. It is prudent to revisit our model periodically during 2017. What we invariably learn is that as our health and living needs change so will our budget. To protect ourselves, we should create our…
Life Expectancy Decreases for First Time in Years
Americans are dying at a younger age for the first time in decades, and scientists are concerned. In the last year, life expectancy in the United States has decreased by 0.1 years – a small but significant number that amounts to nearly 100,000 more deaths in 2015 than in the year before. Researchers are not sure what has lead to the decrease. The last time life expectancies declined was in 1993, at the height of the AIDs and HIV epidemic. This time, though, the cause of…
Carrie Fisher’s Passing Reminds Us of Heart Disease

AUTHOR: Hiland D With the sudden death of Carrie Fisher from cardiac arrest, we were once again tragically reminded of the risks of heart disease. Healthline reports that 715,000 Americans suffer heart attacks every year and 15% of heart attack sufferers die as a result. Heart disease is the leading cause of death around the globe and causes 1 of every 4 US fatalities. Heart disease has distinguishable symptoms and causes but despite ongoing public awareness programs, too many men and women who are at…